Saturday, May 14, 2011

Down 2 lbs.!

YAY! I'm down 2 lbs.  Been active, although not formal exercise.  Yesterday, I scrubbed my kitchen floor on my hands and knees but instead of being on my hands and knees, I was doing squats as I was cleaning.  Wow, that must have been a sight!  I'm so glad no one was here to witness it, but my legs and butt were very sore afterwards.  As an added benefit, my floor looked great and my kitchen smelled so clean!  I used this spray oxyclean stuff and it really did the trick.  My floors have been yellowish ever since I moved in here but now they are almost white.  Still need more throw rugs though.  Landlord won't let me replace the vinyl.  Anyways, trying to stay on track, but it's really hard without my Advocare.  Can't wait till Wednesday, when I can order it.  Well, if I have the funds by then, which I think will be here Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Go PAM! That house will sparkle I'm sure with all the cleaning you've been doing! "Spark"le Get it? Sorry bad pun. Anyways, keep up the great work. Gardening/cleaning etc. can be just as vigorous as a workout as a traditional if not more! Hope your feeling better & I just know you'll get the confidence to go to that Zumba class.

