Monday, February 4, 2013

Year 3... will it be any better??

My weight is down.  I'm a size 7-8 from a 14 just 2 years ago.  That's the good news.  Bad news?  I didn't do it the healthy way so it'll be hard to keep off.  I fell into my old bad habits of quick weight loss. I'm back to walking now and playing outside with the dog, but I'm hoping it's not too little too late.  I do not want to gain the weight back, as I have done for the past 20 years.  But, I should have thought of that before taking the easy way out... again.

More bad news, my son has been diagnosed with testicular cancer. He had the mass removed, but we
 won't know if it's malignant until after the biopsy.  I'll keep everyone posted.  Pray for the best.