Monday, January 31, 2011

Listening to music and dancing... YES ALL BY MYSELF... in my kitchen

I am LOVING my new attitude.  Every day I'm feeling more and more like my old self.  I've only lost like 8 lbs. since starting this, but I've lost a TON of old baggage so I feel loads lighter.  So, in reality, I've lost 130 lbs.  At least that's what he claims he weighed, but I'm saying it's more like 120 (he was a little guy... in every way!!!!) It's another beautiful day outside here in sunny Florida, so I will be going outside to plant some Nicotiana, some mixed Canna seeds, some Lemon Queen sunflower seeds, Mexican Bird of Paradise, some Hollyhocks and some Morning Glories.  I have to get on the 'net and look up how tall all of them get first so I know where I want to plant them.  Except the morning glories, I know just where those are going.... right around the base of the one and only tree in my yard because they will climb clear to the top.  The hummingbirds love that. Can't wait to get my feeders out in a couple of days.  So, I'm loving this new site that my son (thanks, Raymond) found for me to pull music off of...  BearShare....  awesome site, free but LEGAL.  You should check it out if you enjoy music like I do.  Well, all, have a great day and I will be back later!!!

1 comment:

  1. I miss the hummingbirds. :( I know it will be about 5 months before they come back around here. Enjoy them while they are vacationing in Fl. I'll have to check out that music site. I can't really read it from the script font... if you get a chance FB it to me please. :) Did you see the healthy pancake link I posted on the FB forum?

