Saturday, January 29, 2011

A little inspiration/reward for myself....

Today has been a good day.  I went for a walk to make myself get out of the house.  I bought myself this little inspirational gift (see photo). It's both an inspiration and a little reward for going for a walk by myself.  Usually, I would make my son go with me so I don't get anxious, but he's not here anymore and I have to rely on myself. If I'm to locate the real me inside of this person I've become, I need to draw upon the strength and confidence I once had, that I know is still in there somewhere....

It says:  Dance as if no one is watching
             Sing as if no one is listening
             Live each day as if it were your last

Isn't that pretty?  Of course, I don't know that I'd do that last one.  There are two people in particular that I would REALLY like to get even with and if I knew today were my last day, oh boy could I do some damage.......

1 comment:

  1. Love the gift. You'll get your confidence back, it will get easier with your son being away as time goes by.

