Friday, February 4, 2011

Just when you think that part is over with....

Why is it when I'm doing good, the person who brought me down the most decides to burst my bubble??  What part of "NEVER CALL ME AGAIN" is unclear?  I didn't leave any doubt in that sentence whatsoever.  No, "well, you know maybe someday..."  No!  I said, plain as day, "NEVER CALL ME AGAIN".  My mood was improving.  I'm losing weight, inches even!  I am getting back to being my old self and then BAMMM, there he is.  Very proud of myself though, that I did not talk to him.  I just reminded him, AGAIN, that he is not to call me.  I am either going to have to change my phone number or invest in a phone with caller ID.  Ok, well.... back on track tomorrow.  Can't let this get me down.  Head is spinning, kind of at a loss for words so.....

'Til tomorrow...


  1. It's always hard when an Ex calls. Sorry to hear that it was a rough day for you. Tomorrow will be better I hope.

  2. Yeah, it is. There are actually a couple of my exes that I talk with nearly on a daily basis, but we are friends. This particular ex calls when he's drunk and wants to complain about us not being together anymore. Meanwhile, a large portion of the reason we're not together is alcohol related. So, I have no desire to remain friends with this man as we do not support nor compliment each other in any way. I value my friends, and love them dearly. I chose not to remain in toxic relationships. He can't understand that this is a life decision I've made and he won't respect my feelings. I'm supposed to feel the way he does, just BECAUSE he does. Mind you, he doesn't attempt to call sober, so is he really trying to be my friend, or is he just being selfish? The answer to that is a no-brainer. Thanks for listening, Becky.

