Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Ok, those of you who know me already know this but here goes...  when I don't post on my blog, it usually means I am not doing well.  I'm either not focused or feeling blah.  This time it's been both.  I need to get back at it or all that hard work will have been for nothing.  On a brighter note, my garden is thriving!  Can't wait to eat all those yummy fruits and vegetables!  pics to come tomorrow.  It's 10:12am, and I'm supposed to be exercising as we speak.  Zaye is sleeping (the 10 month old baby I watch) so no excuses....  getting at it.  Thank you all for continued encouragement....  P.S.  WHEN I DON'T BLOG, PLZ SEND ME A KICK IN THE BUTT VIA FACEBOOK EMAIL!!!  Thanks for helping to keep me on track!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see the photos.. but if it means missing your workout it's ok since I'll be able to see them possibly in July. Stress & lack of sleep will sabotage your metabolism as well! It's ok I know you'll get thru it & that you've already proven you can do it too!

