Friday, April 1, 2011


OH YEAH!!! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN' ABOUT!!!I finally broke through the 160 barrier!  I am officially into the 150's and counting down!!!  Weighed myself today and I weighed in at 157 lbs.  In addition to the appointments I have set up for next week to check out some gyms, I also have a nutrition management class.  The lady at Curves said it's free there and that she doesn't think I'm eating enough, even though it's all healthy stuff.  She said, based on what I told her, I'm not getting enough protein and veggies.  She was also concerned that I've completely cut dairy out of my diet and wondered why.  To my knowledge, I thought dairy was totally fattening...  so I guess that nutrition class will do me some good.  We'll see. 

ON THE GARDENING FRONT:  My tomato plants have baby tomatoes on them already, as do my peas!  Tomorrow, my friend is bringing her kids (who I adore) over to put their hand prints on my garden fence and I bought cute butterflies to match also ...  (pics tomorrow... stay tuned!!).  I am planting my melons this weekend, probably tomorrow as well, providing I get to Lowe's for my dirt & such.  Picked up some flower seeds to put in little baskets (along with other goodies) to send to my little nieces for Easter.  Surprising their mothers (also my nieces, so I guess the little ones are great-nieces?) this year by passing down some of my treasured heirloom marigold seeds, that are from my grandmother's original plants.  They were passed down to me when I was 5 years old and I've harvested and sowed them every year since.  They were 50 years old when I was 5, so I guess that makes them 98 years old now!  God Love You, Grandma Stella.  I'm looking into getting them registered somewhere as "Stella" marigolds.  Unsure of how to do that though.  Have to do some checking with my National Gardening Club, of which I am a member.

1 comment:

  1. I've told you that you've not been eating enough food overall weeks ago.... if your not hungry you can't eat more & if your hungry you SHOULD eat more, especially of the healthy foods.
    Anyways. dairy is ok as an accent says it right on the grocery list from Advocare. Just look at my ice cream. I've been avoiding it more since it makes me feel ill & gives me gas. (bluntly put) They're going to be concerned that your not getting enough calcium, which you can get from soy or almond milk & a lot of other food items. It's also in the MNS 3 packets too! As far as the protein your getting that from HB eggs, chicken, fish etc. I don't think your getting quite enough of it. the MRS's have quite a bit of protein in them so your getting it but possibly just not enough. There's a point (when you plateau) that you need to eat more to drop more.
    Glad to hear about the seeds & garden is going well, I can't wait to see the photos & everything!

