Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Arms today...

Working my arms today...  Decided to work one area of my body daily, along with cardio every other day. I was looking in the mirror and decided that, even after weight loss, I look so flabby.  I haven't toned really, and that is essential. Zumba for the first time on Thursday.  I'm nervous about trying something new, but realize that it needs to be done.  Besides, I hear that Zumba is so fun that I can't resist!

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you got your energy back & I think it's a great idea to work on alternate body parts too! Catalyst will help with firming skin up & minimizing the "flabby" parts. I've noticed that even existing stretch marks that had happened from some of my weight loss have now vanished since I've been taking Catalyst on a regular basis. I still have a little bit of a "bat flap" as I call it left but it's shrinking. Just keep in mind that it didn't happen overnight & it won't go away or shrink overnight either. As for Zumba being fun OF COURSE you know my answer to that! I look forward to your post about Zumba. Remember, the only way your doing it wrong is if your not moving at all & not smiling! ; )

