Thursday, February 23, 2012

Been awhile... again!

So, I haven't posted in awhile.  Haven't been really taking care of myself either.  But now I will be every day for sure because I made a promise to a very special person who I love with all of my heart, my niece Ericka.  There is a 5k coming up in honor of her cousin, Paul.  I told her that I would get healthy enough and brave enough to walk (not run... come on now, let's don't go overboard on this fat lady!! lol) in it because she promised me that if I would do it, so would she!  Just how far is 5k anyways, does anybody know?  At any rate, it'll be my first ever.  I will post the link to Paul's site as soon as I find it on my facebook wall.  I forgot to copy it before I came over here.  So, tomorrow will be the start of my walking to see how far I can walk without passing out... lol!  Just kidding... my foot will give out before my breath does.  I got a new tattoo and it is still sore.  Til tomorrow then!