Saturday, April 28, 2012

New Pool Going Up Tomorrow!!!

So, I'm finally getting my new pool tomorrow.  I'm very happy about that.  My pond area is coming along nicely also... 

See?  Isn't it pretty?  I'll post pictures of my pool after it's up tomorrow.  Being very active outside lately.  I also have been walking (today was the third day in a row). 

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I bought a size 10 pair of shorts because they were too cute to pass up and I figured eventually they'd fit... THEY FIT NOW!!! I must have lost more inches than pounds!  Happy Easter to all!!
I'm feeling good lately.  Going to psych dr. to try and get rid of this anxiety.  She has already told me that I am borderline agoraphobic and if I don't get a handle on it, I will not be able to leave my house, even to get out in my yard amongst my wonderful flower beds and hummingbirds.  Not cool...  I can't have that happen.  Getting out in the dirt and planting to make something look beautiful is a great joy in my life.  I call it "dirt therapy".  I can't lose that.  So, even though it takes a huge toll on me emotionally to get out there to go to the doc, I'm not giving up!  
Pics tomorrow of my new hibiscus.