Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday~Day 11....

Ok, so in addition to the regular exercise I've been getting (walking, biking, Wii, gardening, Flexbelt), I did "baby leg lifts" like I used to when my boys were babies.  For those of you who do not know what that is, I lay down on the floor, put my knees to my chest, put the baby (8 mos old and weighs approx. 15 lbs.) on my shins.  Then, hanging onto the baby of course, I lift my shins up and down, bending at the knees.  The baby has a BALL (laughing the whole time) and I get a great work out!  Then, I did "baby bounces" with the baby.  THAT one is when I sit on the edge of the couch, sit the baby on my knees and bounce my legs up and down, like a pony.  Another fun time for baby and workout for me.  With that one, it's important to keep your toes on the ground and bounce with your feet to lift the weight.  It works not only the thigh muscles, but also the calf muscles. I also added the resistance band to my nightly routine to work my arm muscles more.  That "before/during" pic that I posted the other day freaked me out!  I'm still a lot heavier than I even realized.  Breakfast today was an apple and a hard boiled egg, with my during pills.  I took the pre-pills 30 mins prior to eating.  I had an Oasis as well.  Lunch was 1 celery stick w/guac, 2 small (about 2 oz. total) b/s boiled chicken tenders no breading/sauce. For dinner, I had 1 turkey burger cooked on the grill with no bread/roll or sauce, steamed broccoli, and 2 slices of dried mango.  During these 14 days of the program, I will be taking pre-meal pills 30 mins prior to Breakfast and Lunch as well as during-meal pills WITH breakfast and lunch...  that will be consist daily so I will not repost each time on that.  Each evening will be the Zzz and with each dinner will be the 4 (not six because I get 2 during the day) of the Omega-3's.  I've bought a dry-erase board for on my fridge to check off each time I take them, so I can't forget.  Water, of course, remains at 64-80 ozs. daily by itself with additional water used for the Spark and Oasis drinks.

As promised, my pink rose bush already in bloom.....

'Til tomorrow then......


  1. Beautiful roses, I hope mine look that good. The with meal packets can be taken with breakfast OR with lunch. Whichever suits you better. :) I like how you can grab 1 strip & that's all you need for that day. You don't need to be taking the Omegaplex with dinner during the 14 days everything you need is in that vitamin strip for the Omegaplex's already.
    I only take 1 extra on occasion with dinner anymore (only when I remember). Glad that the ZZZZ is working out for you. I haven't used it but if it's like the other products I'm sure it's working well. Also, if your hungry you can eat more. I know i've said it before but you're the only one who knows & I'd hate to see you suffer by not eating enough as there are a TON of good foods there that you can eat unlimited amounts of (check the XX's foods on the lists I'd sent you) which are unlimited. Your doing awesome & I'm glad you're feeling great, you sound like you're doing well! Keep in mind the weight didn't come on overnight & it's not going to come off overnight. Years of gain will however come off with weeks of hard work though. :) Just think you're almost there & it wil be gone before you know it. :)

  2. Oh, I almost forgot did you get the protein shakes with your 24 day challenge or did you opt. to not get them? They are an optional add on so I thought I'd ask. Those exercises with the babies sounds like a good workout too... now just to find a baby to borrow....

  3. lol... I'm sure there's a mom or two out there that would be grateful to loan their baby out to you for an hour or so!!! I did get the meal replacement shakes--chocolate. The problem is that I'm NOT hungry EVER!!! I have to force myself to eat what little I am already. But I know that it is necessary or my metabolism will shut down. That is the reason it's so messed up now... because I put it through years of starvation diets, including bouts with both anorexia and bulimia, and depression that kept me in bed for days on end. So now I have my work cut out for me to get it back on track.

  4. I'm starting to find it hard not to have breakfast last 2 hours either so right there with you. I feel you with those fiber drinks. I was like bowl or piece of fruit 30 min. later are you kidding me? I'm full. :P Good thing the shakes are yummy & so good for you. Could you imagine if they didn't taste great? Well if you're already not hungry I surely don't suggest going on the "C" set of Advocare vitamins. If the 3 is working for you great. If you need more energy try the "E" next.
    BTW you're doing great. Keep trying to eat as much as you'd like that's outlined off of the list & you'll do fine. :)

